Individual and conversation classes

Individual and conversation classes

Individual classes – 150 zł / 45 minutes, with longer courses possibility of attractive discounts (more than 20 hours – 15% discount)
Conversation classes – group of 4 – 75 zł / 45 minutes

Agnieszka RoczniakLecturer, examiner of Polish as a foreign language
Anna PezaLecturer, examiner of Polish as a foreign language
Robert Jagła – IzdebskiLecturer, examiner (Polish, English, French)
Wiktoria HudyLecturer, examiner, chairperson of certificate examinations
Mariia TsytseiLecturer (Polish, French, English), examiner, translator
Justyna MendykLecturer, examiner (Polish and English)

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Who is the Lublin Language Academy for?

We invite you to the Lublin Language Academy. Lublin Language Academy offers:

Pluses and advantages

You’ll learn under the guidance of experienced examiners, you’ll keep track of your progress, and if you decide to take the state exam, we’ll tell you when you’re ready to pass it to the best of your ability.

Individual and conversation classes

Individual classes – 150 zł / 45 minutes, with longer courses possibility of attractive discounts (more than 20 hours – 15% discount) Conversation classes – group of 4 – 75 zł / 45 minutes

Not sure which course will be best for you?

Not sure which course will be best for you?